How to make a mustard skittle candle

 If you love the smell of mustard and the taste of skittles, you might want to try making a mustard skittle candle. This is a fun and easy DIY project that will fill your home with a unique aroma. Here are the steps to make your own mustard skittle candle:

1. Gather your materials. You will need a glass jar, a candle wick, some soy wax flakes, a microwave-safe bowl, a spoon, some yellow food coloring, some mustard powder, and some skittles of your choice.

2. Melt the wax. Put some wax flakes in the bowl and microwave them for about a minute or until they are completely melted. Stir well and add a few drops of yellow food coloring to get the desired shade of mustard.

3. Add the mustard powder. Sprinkle some mustard powder into the melted wax and stir well. You can adjust the amount depending on how strong you want the mustard scent to be.

4. Prepare the jar. Glue the end of the wick to the bottom of the jar and wrap the other end around a pencil or a chopstick. Place the pencil or chopstick across the mouth of the jar to keep the wick centered.

5. Pour the wax. Carefully pour the melted wax into the jar, leaving some space at the top. Let the wax cool and harden for a few hours or overnight.

6. Add the skittles. Once the wax is solid, you can decorate your candle with skittles. You can either stick them on the surface of the wax or embed them inside by making small holes with a skewer or a knife. Choose your favorite flavors and colors and arrange them however you like.

7. Enjoy your candle. Trim the wick to about half an inch and light your candle. Enjoy the sweet and tangy scent of your mustard skittle candle!
